Launched on 4/21/23 and going strong until Karma Coin is migrated to Karmachain 2.0.
Here are some cool numbers we'd like to share with the community about it. Unlike almost all other chains - this data is of real people using the chain in the real-world for positive action. No inflated bots fake transactions. No anonymous wallets... Keep it real!
Most popular appreciation is Sexy!
3,071 unique users from 156 countries - people using the Karma Coin App, not wallet addresses.
8,880 total transactions.
5,729 appreciations by real people of real people.
8,850 blocks.
8,880 Subsided transaction fees of 8,880 karma cents.
115,561 Karma coins referral rewards to users.
28,480 Karma Coins signup rewards to users.
99.99999% Uptime.
100% open source.
620M Karma Coins validation and block producing rewards to miners. Current block reward down to 10 Karma Coins. These coins are designed to be distributed to Karmachain 2.0 validators.
Read our Validator’s Deck Here
Get in touch with us to become a Karma Validator!
Real time explorer:
Karmachain 2.0 is in final stages of development and all existing accounts, balances, and appreciations will be migrated over to it when it launches without any additional pre-mint.
Thank you for being part of this amazing journey so far. To join just get Karma Coin for your mobile phone from
- Team Karma Coin